Monday, July 7, 2008


2.5 / 6

So this is probably the most hyped movie since Ironman, which i've heard, delivered. As we all know a lot of movies get hyped up if they are not going to be good. However, as it was Summer in America and occasionally good movies get hyped i figured this was going to be good. I left the movie feeling "ehhhh."

Started out promising with a great take on an interesting genre. You've seen the trailer. I believe the movie failed to deliver due to the fact that it tried to do too much and got rushed. It also felt as though it was written in 2 distinct chapters which had 2 completly opposite writers, themes, and outcomes.

Cinematically (is that a word?) speaking, the action scenes were of course high quality but i felt the jittery camera and a few Matrixesque scenes (the 360 panorama view of a person, however this time, not in slow motion) let the movie down as i felt uneasy watching some of the scenes, which a few of them were very self-serving.

The big positive to this movie was the unusal take on the Hero genre. Unfortunately it had some let downs and as i've mentioned above, isn't a movie i'll be intending to watch again. Will Smith gets bums on seats in cinemas (even more so since I am Legend) and Charlize Theron looked good in the 2nd act. Jason Bateman fantastic as always and apparently finally getting some of the credit he is due, come on, how good was he in Dodgeball.

Summing up, go see it. There is too much press and advertising not too and how will you be able to talk to your friends about it at work the next day? I had built this up in my mind as a different movie to what it ended up being. I'm having a hard time working out what the movie was a bout, but here goes:

LSS: Superhero, finds out his story, gets over it.
Meaning: It's nice to be important but it's more important to be nice.